Website security is fast becoming a dominant concern for Google and the other search engines.
Because it’s Google’s job to recommend the highest value websites to search users – they want to make sure that your site is safe to use, and isn’t going to compromise user data or personal details.
Because of this, the security of your website has become important to SEO. Without a secure site, you can’t ever hope to rank well in the search engines and dominate your keyword categories.
What Is Website Security
Websites and the servers they’re hosted on, are vulnerable to a multitude of security risks. Website security describes the set of precautionary measures that can be taken to secure your website against malicious online threats.
In terms of SEO, an unsecured website allows hackers to gain access to your site or source code, so that they can use it to hide keywords, redirects, links and even create subpage sets to boost income to what are usually nefarious businesses and sites of their own.
These are the most common attacks, but increasingly – theft of customer information, like banking and personal details are becoming more commonplace.
Why is it important?
Security on your website is key to high functioning SEO. If your website is hacked, Google and the other search engines will immediately flag it as a compromised site and will warn users away from it.
Worse still, if you don’t fix it quickly, you’ll drop off the SERPS. This will destroy your traffic and conversions, and it will harm your online brand and website income.
As Google moves towards a more secure future, website owners must acknowledge that security and performance optimization will always be linked.
Google took another step towards website security in 2017, when they notified webmasters that all forms using basic HTTP will now be marked as ‘not secure’ inside Chrome web browsers – which warns people away from using your website.
Security warnings of this nature readily impact traffic flow – and it was a bold move by Google to get webmasters to invest in HTTPS, the more secure way to send and receive data online.

What is HTTPS?
HTTPS or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, is a more secure way of sending and receiving information online because it’s encrypted.
Computers essentially encrypt or scramble the information sent between them, so that hackers can’t read it, and use it for nefarious purposes. It also makes sure that transferred files maintain their data integrity, and authentication – which builds user trust.
Why you should switch to HTTPS
Privacy and security
Without an encrypted connection, it's not so hard to eavesdrop on the information when your visitors are using a public Wifi connection. That makes your website vulnerable to hackers and people trying to steal personal information.
When you're using an HTTPS connection, all the data that is exchanged between your website and your visitor is encrypted. That means others cannot read what is being transferred. This makes your website less vulnerable and keeps your and your visitor's data safe.
As Google announced in 2014, in their efforts to promote security on the web, HTTPS has become a ranking factor. That means that for two equal websites, the one using an HTTPS connection will rank higher. It's not a huge factor, but it definitely helps!
Provide trust to your visitors, brand
The green padlock that comes with SSL has become a strong signal of trust. Visitors are more likely to enter their information or purchase your products when they know their data is safe.

Google's Chrome browser has recently changed the labels for sites without an SSL certificate. It started with showing a 'Not secure' warning for web pages with credit card information and login forms. Now, it also shows this warning for all forms on a website. Google also announced that it will soon show that warning for all sites without HTTPS.

Let's face it: a big 'Not secure' label doesn't exactly increase the trust of your visitors in your site and brand.
Referal data
Website using an HTTPS connection will not send referrer data to sites without HTTPS. That means that if your website is not using HTTPS, there's no telling where the visitor is coming from. As a result, you will have far less information about the source of your traffic in Google Analytics. If you want to know where people are coming from, installing an SSL certificate is a good idea.
Legal matters
In more and more countries, you are required to encrypt the connection if you're using personal information of your visitors on a website. Keep in mind that personal information can also include the IP address of your visitors, but also login forms. With new EU legislation, companies face hefty fines for not securing their visitor's personal information.
How to switch to HTTPS
As you've seen, there's enough reason to install an SSL certificate on your website. It's not hard, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
Step one is to get an SSL certificate. Normal SSL certificates (standard validation for a single domain) are very cheap or even free if you're using Let's Encrypt. In some cases you may need a Wildcard certificate: this allows you to use the certificate on multiple subdomains. These are a bit more expensive. If you're looking for organization validation or extended validation: these provide even more security but are also more expensive.
Once you've obtained the certificate you will need to install it on your server or ask your IT team to do it. We won't go into all the technical details of this part, but has some excellent guidelines for the different platforms.
Once it's installed, you'll now be able to visit your website on the https:// address. If all is well, you'll see the green padlock telling you your connection is secured. Good job! But this is just the start.
Run a check
SSL Labs has a great tool to check if your SSL certificate is installed correctly and meets all the requirements.
Avoid mixed content
It's possible that your website uses images, CSS files, javascript files or embedded content from sites without an SSL connection. In that case, instead of seeing the green padlock, you'll see a warning that your site uses 'Mixed content'. Since not all content is loaded over HTTPS, your website isn't really secure.
Chrome can help you: in the Developer Tools, go to the Security Tab. It will show a link to the network tab showing just mixed content. Make sure to use the HTTPS variant of all the content on your website. For internal CSS or Javascript files, this is easy: your site now has an encrypted version so we'll use that one. Just change the URL from to // This is a reference without a protocol, so the browser will automatically use HTTPS.
For external services like youtube videos, but also Jquery files, Google Maps scripts and so on, there's normally also a HTTPS version available. Again, just replace http:// with //, and you'll be using a secure connection without mixed content.
Update your links
Ideally, you should replace all internal links with the new https variant. The same holds for other references across your site. THink of canonical tags, OpenGraphg tags, Twitter cards or data. These may all include links to your page, so make sure they use https too.
Don't forget to update your sitemap.xml and your robots.txt file: these hold many links to your website and should all use HTTPS.
External tools
Most websites use some or a lot of external tools for various purposes: Google Analytics to track your visitors, screen capture tools, visitors surveys, you name it. Make sure to check if all these external tools still work.
Redirect your traffic
By now you have verified that everything works. The only problem is that your website is still available on the insecure HTTP domain. therefore we need to direct all traffic to that old address to the new, secure URL.
The best way to do this is a serverside 301 (permanently moved) redirection. This tells your visitors' browser and search engines to use the new address instead. Any links to your old URL will also keep working, as they are automatically redirected to the new one.
If you're on an Apache server, you can do this by adding the following lines to your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
Google Search Console
The final step is to tell Google your site has a new address. Add a new website to Google Search Console using the new HTTPS address. There, you can add a sitemap to help your site getting indexed quickly.
Don't use the Site Move tool: that's only for when you're moving to a completely new domain, which is not what we're doing here.
Is Website Security a Ranking Factor?
Yes! HTTPS has been a ranking factor since 2014, but SEO’s tend to still view it as nothing more than a tie-breaker. As website security becomes more important, trust signals will only solidify https SEO impact.
The tie-breaking ramifications are clear – if your website doesn’t have an SSL certificate, and your competitor’s website does – they are more likely to outrank you in SERPS if your content is similar.
According to Mozilla, only half of all websites are secure. Thanks to the Google shift, securing yours will immediately give you an SEO advantage.
How Else Can I Secure My Website?
For stronger website security there are a number of steps you can take to minimize your chances of being hacked. Knowing how to secure your website is a fundamental SEO practice, so make sure you’ve checked all of these security boxes.
- Never use default passwords or username details. If you can use a password manager and make your passwords unique phrases.
- Make sure that your website has all the latest security updates installed. That means your website CMS and all plugins or widgets - should be regularly updated to maintain security and prevent hacks.
- If you store passwords in your database, always encrypt them with a salt - a random string so it can’t be decrypted.
- Security monitoring and automation simplify the process, so it would benefit you to invest in website security programs that prevent issues.
- Back up your website regularly and make sure you have a reputable hosting provider. Cheap hosts that are hacked often, will compromise your site.
For immediate website security, we recommend switching to HTTPS by adding an SSL certificate to your website. That, along with these other suggested steps will give you a strong SEO basis and keep you on track for ranking well with Google.