Cloudflare is a Content Delivery Network that helps you secure your site. Sometimes, Cloudflare blocks our servers from accessing this page. In this article, we explain how you can fix this.
Allow SiteGuru to access your site
It's easy to fix this. Follow the following steps:
- Log into your Cloudflare account
- Go to the Security tab in Cloudflare
- Click WAF in the submenu
- Click the Create Rule button
- Set the Field to User Agent
- Set the Operator to contains
- Set the Value to SiteGuru
- Click Deploy
This is what it should look like:

Please also make sure that in SiteGuru's Site Settings, you've selected SiteGuruCrawler as the user agent:

Country filters
Are you blocking specific countries? Our servers are based in Ireland, so make sure not to block Ireland.
Still having issues?
After going through these steps, re-run the report in SiteGuru by clicking Check Again.
If it's still not working, please contact us.